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In an exclusive interview with America Digital News TV, Jason Hyatt, the General Manager of Telco Systems for the Americas, shed light on the company’s evolution and its role in the rapidly advancing field of edge computing.

Evolution: From Hardware to Software

Telco Systems, a company with a 50-year legacy in the telecommunications industry, has transitioned from being a hardware-focused entity to predominantly a software company. Jason emphasized this shift, stating, “Historically, Telco Systems was a hardware company, but we have evolved with our customers and market demands.” This evolution was driven by the need to stay relevant and innovative in a highly competitive market.

Jason explained the concept of edge computing succinctly: “Edge computing is the ability to put compute power as close to the decision-making point as possible.” This approach addresses the latency and connectivity challenges that arise when decisions are made in the cloud. “Edge is not edge without the cloud, and the cloud is not cloud without edge,” he highlighted, underscoring the interdependent relationship between the two technologies.

The role of Edge Computing in a post-pandemic world

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly influenced the demand for edge computing solutions. The need for robust connectivity and reliable local decision-making capabilities became more apparent as businesses adapted to new realities. “The pandemic certainly highlighted the need for connectivity and edge computing,” Jason noted.

Telco Systems’ new product, Edgility, exemplifies their innovative approach. This Kubernetes-based solution allows service providers to run virtual machines and containers at the network’s edge. “Our new software enables a lot of new applications by leveraging cloud services architecture and pushing it to the edge,” Jason explained.

Edge computing is particularly transformative in industries like manufacturing and retail, where real-time data processing and decision-making are crucial. Jason illustrated this with a customer example: “Our customer in Mexico, the largest cement company in the world, uses our software for real-time monitoring and AI applications to optimize their production processes.”

Innovative Solutions for Latin America and Beyond

In Latin America, Telco Systems is experiencing significant growth. The region is rapidly adopting advanced telecom services, and Jason believes that Telco Systems’ software allows these markets to leapfrog several technological steps. “Latin America is a hot market for us. Our software enables service providers to deliver cutting-edge applications efficiently,” he stated.

Working closely with clients, Telco Systems helps them determine the best way to virtualize services and distribute workloads. “We work hand-in-hand with our customers to evaluate their services and ensure the best customer experience,” Jason emphasized. This collaboration ensures that clients can leverage Telco Systems’ extensive experience in the industry.

Telco Systems is at the forefront of the edge computing revolution, providing innovative solutions and expertise to help businesses navigate the complexities of modern telecommunications. As Jason aptly put it, “If they can dream it, we can deliver it.”